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Kelly Thompson after the Fullerton Police were finished |
Unfortunately, unknown to the 6, or perhaps known, there was a video camera on a pole in the bus yard taking pictures of the whole beating. Nobody of importance has seen it yet. So far,the dispatcher, who zoomed in on the beating, the watch commander whose office had a monitor too, they both saw it as it happened, then of course the 6 murderers who watched it as they did their reports to make sure their lies were consistent and redid them then redid them and redid them again until their superiors were satisfied that their lies were perfect, I guess. I'm not sure who beyond that has seen the video, perhaps the chief, though he denied it, perhaps the city council, surely the DA's staff as they're investigating. Nobody important, not the family, not the people who pay the salaries and benefits of the people who did.
The story by an unnamed anonymous witness inside the FPD, who appeared on a local radio show, the John and Ken show, confirmed that death embodied in the six cops returned to the station house and watched the video as the reports were written, over and over until their superiors were satisfied. He also confirmed that at least one of the 6 bragged loudly about the punishment he'd rained down on the victim.
Kelly's picture, showing a man beaten to a pulp, started a public outrage that has grown exponentially as time has gone on. Every weekend there's more and more people peacefully demonstrating in Fullerton, in front of the Police station and city hall. They're calling for the jailing and trial of the 6 murderers, the firing of the Chief, and the recall of the Mayor and two of the city council.
Well this so far is as far as the tale of Death's visit to Fullerton has gone. The six cops are waiting on paid vacation, of course if the public outrage that developed had never happened they'd still be out there looking for another victim, as it was it took something like 5 weeks for their superiors to take them off the streets. I recently looked at http://www.youtube.com/ and searched police brutality, finding that it's a disease run rampant throughout this country and the world. Death has taken over the bodies of police everywhere and is running amok killing uncontrolled.
Here are links....
Friends for Fullerton's Future Blog
Justice for Kelly Thomas
Pictures before and after of Kelly Thomas
A Recap in an article from the Orange County Register
Lee Murray