Sitting here 2:44am watching a Steven Seagal movie. In this one his daughter is kidnapped. Pretty standard Seagal. What I'm saying has nothing to do with the real Seagal, never having met him, although we did both attend Buena Park High School, at least that's what I'm told. I'm commenting purely on his screen persona. Actually I like his movies, but unlike many, I know they're cartoons, not reality. He usually plays a good, (goodish), guy, and he's one of the few that actually show the negative results of being bad. Unlike Norris, or even the much vaunted Bruce Lee, the characters that fight Seagal rarely get back up, or escape with just a bruise or two. The only movie I've seen recently where the bad guys did worse was the bar scene in Kill Bill part 1, which was right out of a martial arts movie, except the Black Mamba's victims dropped like flies and stayed down, in that one you saw the reality of a really sharp sword. One criticism I do have with the action in Seagal's movies is his, and everybody's marksmanship, or total lack of it. They all, good and bad guys, shoot clip after clip, yet nobody ever gets hit. Except, it seems, by accident. I guess that's just Hollywood using guns for effect as noisemakers, and drama. The unfortunate aspect is that many people that see the movies think they can shoot and not hurt anyone, not getting the truth that shot usually means dead. I won't comment on the intelligence, or lack of it, in both the moviemakers and the viewers.

Lee Murray
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