The commandments say a lot of things are prohibited, among them is killing one another. What a pile of crap. Watch the news, tv programs, movies, listen to stories, read books (including religeous books), any other source you can think of that I haven't, the one thing that humans do seemingly at the drop of a hat is KILL each other, usually for little or no reason. Ok you say, yes there are some crazies, criminals and others of that ilk that do commit murders but not normal people, oh no.

But the truth is that no other animal kills, or loves to kill like a human being. Another truth is that like manure, killing flows downhill. Presidents and Kings kill every day, throughout history. The difference is that they hire (or draft) police departments and armies to acually pull the triggers. The only real difference between Obama, for instance, and your average gang leader or drug dealer is just in the scale of their murders. Our religous leaders preach constantly about the evils of killing. But at the same time never seem to have a problem sending our sons, and daughters to war, or out in the streets to kill. It's been going on as long as there've been people.
The 6th Commandment says Thou Shalt Not Murder. It doesn't say except (insert exception here)....
Lee Murray
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