In my case it's I think I do. I've always, well really since I became aware of reincarnation reading Edgar Cayce, and others, in my teens, and remembering interests and ideas I had as a kid, thought I was a German, almost surely a pilot, in WW II. As a kid I thought the Luger was beautiful and a .45 the ugliest slab of steel imaginable, was facinated by airplanes in general, and by Stukas and ME109's especially, I could draw Hitler's portrait from memory. Also Lincoln, Bela Lugosi, and Boris Karloff FWIW... I also drew pictures of airplanes and warships, with big guns. Always interested in the military, read the Blue Jacket's Manual that had been my grandfathers in the 5th grade. Read Mein Kampf and other books about Germany of the 30's and 40's in the 6th grade through high school. Who knows, maybe just the kind of stuff any kid does. Life went on and I learned more about the reality of metaphysics from reading dozens of books, and from lots of interesting people. In some cases from people that would have been amazed to learn they taught me anything, or even knew anything about it. I knew a guy, from Fullerton JC, part of a group that lived in Silvarado Canyon in the 60's and 70's. They were all in their teens or twenties, looked like hippies, and said they were witches. But they were more than that. I was out there one day and saw him go outside, standing in the yard he raised his arms, soon he was standing arms outstreached and he was covered with birds. He could do it whenever he wanted. One of the girls taught me how to use a scrying pool to learn who I was. Hers was made out of a clear glass cereal bowl filled with black ink. She said she'd known me in several previous lives, but would never give me any details. Up to that point, my only excuse is she was 20 and a real babe, I was only 18-19, I was mainly looking down her blouse, at her tits whenever I talked to her. None of them, I learned later, wore anything under their clothes, guys or girls. As she taught me I saw there was more to her, a lot more, her body surprisingly became unimportant, well...less important. She finally said I was ready to perform a scrying ceremony, imagine my pleasant surprise to find out we had to be naked for the scrying ceremony. Then imagine my horror two seconds later to learn it was the whole group, guys and girls. Not a hooded robe to be found. To answer the obvious question, I saw images of places and things, I saw people some I knew, and would know. I still do when I do it, but saw nothing then, or since, that I understood as pertaining to my past (or future life) lives.

At the same time all my life I've had an interest in painting and sketching (badly), played various instruments, (badly), had a love of books and reading that developed early, photography that probably's an extention of the drawing and painting, nice clothes, fine books, good cars. The interests were always there, my intuition, based on that, is that I was rich or well off in previous lives. Which doesn't eliminate the monk or soldier, but I could also have been an artist or student, in business, all or any of those.
People that know me, or think they do, will say that I'm in love with my posessions. Which might eliminate wealth in past lives, at least as a second or third generation heir. Thinking about it, they may have a point, maybe I am, a little. But more, I respect posessions for what they are, what they cost, their beauty (in some cases), their usefulness, what it would cost to replace them, and what they represent. Also, I'm aware how much I'd lose by mistreating, losing or selling. I'm also messy, not terribly concerned with a place for everything and everything in it's place, not terribly concerned with my pants having a crease sharp enough to shave with, or shoes like a mirror, and all that other stuff a soldier should consider important. I do like to look good, and have good suits, shirts, ties and shoes to wear when needed, but am just as happy wearing pants, moccasins, and a t-shirt.
I like good stuff, I'm attracted to the best, even pants and tshirts. My moccasins run as much as many guys spend on dress shoes. So, how does that equate to being a monk, or a soldier for that matter? Of course the attraction to the material things may be just a new thing for this life, or perhaps I was a rich soldier or monk... A General, or an Abbot, who knows?
People that know me, or think they do, will say that I'm in love with my posessions. Which might eliminate wealth in past lives, at least as a second or third generation heir. Thinking about it, they may have a point, maybe I am, a little. But more, I respect posessions for what they are, what they cost, their beauty (in some cases), their usefulness, what it would cost to replace them, and what they represent. Also, I'm aware how much I'd lose by mistreating, losing or selling. I'm also messy, not terribly concerned with a place for everything and everything in it's place, not terribly concerned with my pants having a crease sharp enough to shave with, or shoes like a mirror, and all that other stuff a soldier should consider important. I do like to look good, and have good suits, shirts, ties and shoes to wear when needed, but am just as happy wearing pants, moccasins, and a t-shirt.
I like good stuff, I'm attracted to the best, even pants and tshirts. My moccasins run as much as many guys spend on dress shoes. So, how does that equate to being a monk, or a soldier for that matter? Of course the attraction to the material things may be just a new thing for this life, or perhaps I was a rich soldier or monk... A General, or an Abbot, who knows?
So that's me, what about you? Do you remember or have intuitions as to your previous life, or lives?
Lee Murray
Reading through just thought I forgot to mention, I also took German for three years in high school. Basically only remember a few words.