As I've mentioned I'm wanting to move from upstate NY back to Calif. Lived in the Fullerton/Anaheim area for thirty years with a few excursions to other places, but always drawn back to Fullerton. We moved there in '63, lived on West Ave and I went to Buena Park HS. Everybody loved it but my father who hated Calif. from the day he got there. No seasons, no family, too many people, too much traffic, so after two, or three false starts moving back and forth, my parents and three youngest siblings moved back here in '78 for good. I followed in '92 for several reasons, expecting to stay 6 mo. or a year...not the 18 years it's been. I've always said that my family originally moved to Calif, solely so I could meet a girl we'll just call S., but that's another story. It does kind of tie in with the book I'm reading, "Is There Life After Death?" that I talked about a couple posts ago...that each of us is the sole inhabitant of our own universe, our own reality, possibly a dream, perhaps a nightmare...

Back then one place I worked, right behind the bowling alley on Lincoln Ave, was a company called Anaconda Electronics, in mechanical assy. earning a whopping 2.90 an hour, and one of the guys I worked with, then Bill H., later more formally William H., also was a regular at Rutabegorz, and got all of us in the department to drive over there after work. We usually went to our Lead Man's house to drink and play pool on Friday's after work. He turned out to be a great guy, possibly a genius in some ways, married to a wonderful lady named Jean. Unfortunately didn't recognize his brilliance until years later.

Lee Murray
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