Watching a facinating movie called "They Live," with Roddy Piper, who as an actor makes a great wrestler. I'm kidding he's really not that bad, no worse than Arny, Sly, Jean Claude, or any of the others. I've seen this movie several times, and while it's crazy and fantastic on the surface, it certainly makes you think. In the movie aliens are here, living among us, disguised to look like us. The are everywhere, in the police, government, media, business owners, and among the ordinary people. Piper's character is as unaware as the rest of us. Then he stumbles onto a box in a dumpster that contains dozens of sunglasses. He puts on a pair, and suddenly the world changes. Billboards that had said "Visit Cancun" with a pretty girl in a bikini on a beach, suddenly show subliminal slogans. The same thing is true of magazines, newspapers and TV all have subliminal messages, ie consume, obey, marry and reproduce, the money has "this is your God" printed subliminally under the engraving. Looking at people he sees the aliens as they really look, and removing the glasses he sees them disguised. It goes on from there but that isn't why it's facinating.
Suppose for a second that aliens are already here living among us, many of us think they are.

Or if not, suppose for just a second that the "ruling elite," not necessarily aliens, just greedy, power hungry, covetous humans are using subliminal messages in the media to control the rest of us, the workers that make their lives possible. It wouldn't be that difficult for it to happen, and could have been going on for a long time.

Even the government could be using subliminal messages, war is good, die for your country, pay taxes, pay more, work for less, marry and reproduce (that one would mean more future tax paying workers to support the government and the elite)....
I'm putting some links below that have quite a few examples of subliminals that have been, or are in use in the media. Take a look and think about it.
Lee Murray
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