The Great Flood - War In Heaven
Click on the link above and be prepared to spend a few minutes reading a very interesting article by Rhawn Joseph Phd. I have just a taste below in two paragraphs from the article.
According to the most ancient written records available to woman and man, a god-like people gained dominion over the Earth tens of thousands of years ago. And these titans and heroes of old built great sparkling cities and developed technologically advanced civilizations that ringed the globe.

According to the written records of the Sumerian people, whose own civilization arose 6,000 years ago, the Cro-Magnon peoples and their great cities were destroyed by a cosmic upheaval, when the planet Venus somehow freed herself of Jupiter's grasp, and snaked through the heavens attacking Mars, and then careened close to the Earth, plunging the planet into an icy, watery darkness that was then followed by cataclysmic floods, almost 12,000 years ago.
Lee Murray
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