
-Are you a God?
- they asked the Buddha.
- No.
- Are you an angel, then?
- No.
- A saint?
- No.
- Then what are you?


"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure of
the universe"-Albert Einstein-

Om Mani Padme Hum

Matthew 25:40

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Matthew 7 1-6

1. Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4. Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5. Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
6. Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

11 Insurance Companies, At The Least, Continue To Bill Life Insurance After The Insured Is DEAD

I found the article below at Yahoo News.  Link to complete article  At least eleven Major insurance companies "without admitting wrongdoing" agree to change their policies. In other words they were stealing from their customers, who died, and now they'll stop, because they got caught. Well it would be more accurate to say that they continued to steal, wouldn't it? Do you really believe they'll stop? If you do, I have a very fine bridge, in Brooklyn NY,  for sale cheap.
The thieving companies to avoid like the plague? The article below named: AIG, HARTFORD, JOHN HANCOCK, MET LIFE, PRUDENTIAL, TRANSAMERICA, and TIAA-CREF.  That's just 7 of the 11, but it's my opinion that it's safe to say that probably every insurance company is guilty of doing the same thing, stealing from those that trusted them, after they died.

Dead Being Billed for Life Insurance

"the nation's leading insurance companies continued billing customers for life insurance long after they were dead.
The companies--including such household names as AIG, Hartford, John Hancock, Met Life, Prudential, Transamerica and TIAA-CREF-- have agreed to a multi-state settlement under which they will repay some $763 million owed the heirs of the deceased.
Prime mover in the settlement has been Controller John Chiang of the State of California, whose citizens stand to get back as much as $87 million from 11 insurers. (emphasis mine)
California law requires a life insurer to pay death benefits to heirs within three years after the demise of the policyholder.
To keep tabs on which holders are alive and which are dead, insurers keep a so-called Death Master file, based on Social Security data. When a death is recorded in the file, insurers know not to expect payment of any further premiums. Most policies, however, put the onus on the beneficiary to file a claim for benefits, after the policy holder's death. Absent the filing of a claim, says Chiang's office, the insurer, prior to the settlement, could legally continue to draw down the policy's cash reserves, continuing to collect premium payments from the dead.
"Once the cash reserves were depleted," says a statement by Chiang's office, "The company would cancel the policy."
Audits by California found that insurers did not routinely cross-check the owners of dormant accounts with government databases listing the deceased. "In other cases," says Chiang's office, "companies had direct knowledge of the policy owner's death, but still did not notify the beneficiaries."
The 11 companies, as part of their settlement, admit no wrongdoing

The American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI), in a related statement, said it was pleased to have reached an agreement with California that "will result in greater numbers of beneficiaries receiving their life insurance benefits, and prompt escheating of funds to the states when heirs cannot be found.

 You can visit, a website of the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators, to search records from 38 states and Canadian provinces."

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Most Recent Update On Stroke Or Ear Infection

Haven't updated this post for some time, since getting back to California. When I got here I kept taking the medications prescribed in NY as well as my herbs. In June or July of 2011 I stopped taking them because they were making me dizzy, but stuck with the herbs, until the following summer when my fingers started going numb. Then I stopped thinking that perhaps I was taking herbs that shouldn't be mixed. The dizzyness pretty much disappeared, except occasionally in the dark, but the numbness is still here in my head on the right, calves and feet and fingers, although I think getting better. I'm still not convinced that it wasn't an ear infection of some kind. Since I got here I haven't seen a doctor because of no insurance for one thing together with I didn't really see much  from those in NY. Mainly it was a case of well maybe, probably, we think, but not one this is for sure what happened. Then I became 65 and got Medicare and one thumbnail became ingrown and swollen and hurt like hell, so a couple months ago went to the Dr. and am now having a blood test, they drew the blood this morning. What's interesting is that yesterday when I went back because the thumb isn't better they took my blood pressure and it was 124/70, dropped from the 180/190 over 80/90 of 1-2 yrs ago. It turns out my thumb has a fungus, so the blood test is to make sure the liver is ok with the fungus meds, but he ordered a full spectrum blood and urine test including for magnesium so I'll find out what's what. As to the numbness it's interesting that parts of my face and head and legs/feet I can feel heat both from the shower and the heating pad I use to warm the foot of the bed. I'll find out from the blood test if I still have diabeties, probably, but I have dropped weight and am staying away from sugar/salt for the most part.  I've read that diabeties is caused by inflamation in the body, and by relieving the inflamation, it gets the pancreas back to normal producing insulin and the body using the insulin the way it's designed to. That's what I'm working on...

Lee Murray

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Death Visits San Antonio Texas In The Guise Of A Man Who Paid For An Escort Thinking He Paid For A Prostitute

Photo: Handout Ezekiel Gilbert, 30, was found not guilty
of murdering an escort he found on Craigslist.  Gilbert's
 lawyers argued that because Lenora Ivie Frago had left
his house with the $150 he'd paid her, without having
 sex with him, he was within his rights to use deadly
force to retrieve his property.
Another great reason to avoid Texas like the plague. Apparently it's legal in Texas to murder a woman (or probably a man) if you hire them as an escort and they refuse to go beyond that and put out.  I can't believe the ingorant, idiotic jury found this obviously guilty f----ing murderer innocent of murder. Reading the article below I see either murder 2 or manslaughter at the very least. So either the DA was an idiot, or those on the jury were, or both. I'm guessing both. I mean let's face it, if this was a valid defense, women all over the world would be dropping dead thousands a minute. If this had happened in the middle east, or some place else less liberated I could understand, still not agree, but at least due to cultural differences, understand. But in Texas, in the US? Apparently, women, and probably men, working as escorts, and probably those working as prostitutes too, will be open targets of people like the murderer in this case from now on. Aren't we living in a great world?
Lee Murray 

Man Acquited After Murdering an Escort Who Refused Sex

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Written by Nicole Flatow

A Texas jury acquitted a man for the murder of a woman he hired as an escort, after his lawyers claimed he was authorized to use deadly force because she refused sex.
Ezekiel Gilbert shot Lenora Ivie Frago in the neck on Christmas Eve, after she denied his requests for sex and wouldn’t return the $150 he had paid her, according to the San Antonio Express-News. Under Texas law, an individual is authorized to use deadly force to “retrieve stolen property at night,” and Gilbert’s lawyers cited that provision as justification for Gilbert’s action, reasoning that Frago had stolen $150 from him by taking his money without delivering sex. In a police interview played for jurors, Gilbert “never mentioned anything about theft,” a detective told the San Antonio Express-News. Frago, who was 21, was critically injured and died several months later.
While the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Florida has generated notoriety for NRA-backed Stand Your Ground laws, which authorize the unfettered use of deadly force without a duty to retreat in defense of one’s person or home, Texas’ exceedingly broad law goes well beyond this, to allow deadly force in protection of any piece of “tangible” or “movable” property.
The Texas provision authorizes deadly force not only to “retrieve stolen property at night” but also during “criminal mischief in the nighttime” and even to prevent someone who is fleeing immediately after a theft during the night or a burglary or robbery, so long as the individual “reasonably” thinks the property cannot be protected by other means.
This shockingly broad statute authorizes individuals to take not just law enforcement, but punishment, into their own hands and impose death for alleged offenses that would never warrant the death penalty even if the person were convicted in court. But even in light of the expansive vigilante justice made legal by the statute, it is difficult to see how Gilbert’s behavior was justified, given that escorts are not entitled to deliver sex under the law, and delivering sex for money is an illegal transaction.

This post was originally published by ThinkProgress.

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