Recently I've posted several diatribes about the evil of mankind and mankind's predilection for murder, that it seems to be the preoccupation of all of us to one degree or another. I've also posted the belief that this world is maya, or illusion, that nothing and nobody is real. The two seem to be opposite of each other, one or the other could be true but not both. If murder and evil matter then they're clearly not illusion, if the world is in fact illusion, imaginary, a figment of individual or world, imagination, then what does murder or evil, or anything else for that matter, mean? They'd be imaginary too, right? So which do I believe? Both I guess, I honestly believe what I've read and been taught, that everything here, world, people, everything is a figment of imagination, whether mine or a world mind is the only question. On the other hand, like most everybody else, I'm tied to the physical too. The body of clay with all its needs, the things, the places, the sights, smells, tastes. So I guess I believe in both.
I was discussing this the other day with a friend, this is a guy that is tied to the physical, to the world, to whom it all being imaginary, is nearly inconceivable. He said to me, ok then go out and step in front of a bus, (I think it was), and you'll see how imaginary it is. Which when you think about it is a great point. Most people think just like my friend, they believe that everything around us is real. That it might be illusion is not only impossible, it's crazy. That to even consider it is insane. The point is, that whether or not I agree is beside the point, no humor intended, if most people consider the world real. If it is in fact so real, that those of us who are aware of, or at least suspect, its unreality, are unable to break free of the physical bonds. Then evil is important, as important and real as all of those who believe it. It's unfortunate...
Lee Murray
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Gas is Up -- AGAIN!!!!!
Driving today I saw gas at 4.25 a gallon for regular. No excuse but greed for it. Just my opinion.
Lee Murray
Lee Murray
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
My feelings about people
I'm told that my opinion that humanity is evil is obvious from my posts. Let's take a look at that. I do not think individuals are evil. I know a great many people who have nothing but the best intentions and wouldn't dream of committing an act of bad let alone evil. But sometimes evil isn't in the intentions. Our leader the great Obama, think of the great Oz a little man behind the curtain fooling everyone with an amplified voice into believing he was more than he was, may have the best intentions in the world and wouldn't dream of doing evil himself, doesn't in fact that he's capable of it. No more that George the Second, or George the First, or any of the others think they're committing an evil act, but they are, and by endorsing, or even by not rejecting, them we've become complicit in their evil and become equally responsible for the evil they've committed.
I'm not going to discuss fate, or karma, or illusion, let's assume that these acts of murder committed by our leaders through their willing and unwilling accomplices are real and have real consequences ending innocent, and not so innocent lives some of whom would murder us for no better a reason, forever. Doesn't that make humanity evil?
Lee Murray
I'm not going to discuss fate, or karma, or illusion, let's assume that these acts of murder committed by our leaders through their willing and unwilling accomplices are real and have real consequences ending innocent, and not so innocent lives some of whom would murder us for no better a reason, forever. Doesn't that make humanity evil?
Lee Murray
Friday, April 8, 2011
Destruction of Humanity Pending??? Again???
It's always been known to me, I don't know how, and now is becoming accepted knowledge by the average person that there existed civilizations, countries, societies, people deep in the mists of time past, during and before the last ice age. One theory is that the end of the ice age resulted in the end of that civilization or society. Some time ago I did a post on the discovery of a city off the coast of India. If interested you can look in my archives, the article was posted on Saturday 4/3/10. The underwater archaeological site that could be more than 9,000 years old was discovered about 30 miles west of Surat in the Gulf of Khambhat (Cambay) in northwestern India. Think about it, at least one city that existed maybe 4000 years more or less before the first acknowledged civilization in "known" history was created. There are more of course, discovered and undiscovered. But if there is just one, it indicates if not proves that prevailing theories are at least incomplete, if not wrong.
Many people have asked, ok, if these mythological civilizations and cities and cultures really existed. With their advanced buildings, weapons, transportation, homes and business's, personal effects, etc. Where are they? Did they use electricity? How did they generate it? Did they have cars, trucks, buses, trains, airplanes? Did they use oil, diesel, gasoline? How did they get it? Machinery to manufacture, made of metal? What metal? How did they find it, make it, turn it into macinery, lubricate it, fix it? These and other questions are obvious, but where are the answers? Where are if nothing else remnants? Why are there only stone, stone buildings, stone tools, stone, stone, stone?
Well one answer is that in libraries, for instance the library of Alexandria, there were alleged to be books, in the form of scrolls, tablets, who knows for sure, of history going back thousands of years. How many thousands unfortunately we have no way of knowing now. There were others but Alexandria is said to be the largest number of books of it's time. It's destruction meant nothing to most people of that time, just as the destruction of let's say the Library of Congress would mean nothing to most today. People haven't changed much. But, it was a destruction of more than a library, even more than the books, it was destruction of history.
Another answer, not a great one maybe, but an answer is the program on the History channel called "Life After People". It's a television documentary series where scientists and other experts speculate about what the Earth might be like if humanity no longer existed, as well as the impact humanity's disappearance might have on the environment and the artificial aspects of civilization. Lets take a look at a little:This is what happens 150-300 years after there are no people.
Many people have asked, ok, if these mythological civilizations and cities and cultures really existed. With their advanced buildings, weapons, transportation, homes and business's, personal effects, etc. Where are they? Did they use electricity? How did they generate it? Did they have cars, trucks, buses, trains, airplanes? Did they use oil, diesel, gasoline? How did they get it? Machinery to manufacture, made of metal? What metal? How did they find it, make it, turn it into macinery, lubricate it, fix it? These and other questions are obvious, but where are the answers? Where are if nothing else remnants? Why are there only stone, stone buildings, stone tools, stone, stone, stone?
Well one answer is that in libraries, for instance the library of Alexandria, there were alleged to be books, in the form of scrolls, tablets, who knows for sure, of history going back thousands of years. How many thousands unfortunately we have no way of knowing now. There were others but Alexandria is said to be the largest number of books of it's time. It's destruction meant nothing to most people of that time, just as the destruction of let's say the Library of Congress would mean nothing to most today. People haven't changed much. But, it was a destruction of more than a library, even more than the books, it was destruction of history.
Another answer, not a great one maybe, but an answer is the program on the History channel called "Life After People". It's a television documentary series where scientists and other experts speculate about what the Earth might be like if humanity no longer existed, as well as the impact humanity's disappearance might have on the environment and the artificial aspects of civilization. Lets take a look at a little:This is what happens 150-300 years after there are no people.
The next one is 500-1,000 years with no people.
Finally 10,000 years after people are gone.
Of course this isn't the perfect answer, because some people did survive whatever happened, whether it was a flood (the prevailing myth), earthquake, tsunami, polar or crust shifting, or even all of the above. People did survive. I read that scientists have determined that based on dna we all are decended from a single woman. Mitrocondial Eve, and all men are decended from a single Man Y chromosone Adam. Which isn't to say that there weren't other women and men alive at the time, there were or probably were. But according to this theory
science is able to trace a humans alive today through mitrocodial dna, which is allegedly only passed on by the mother to a single woman, alive possibly 150-200,000 years ago in Africa.
Of course the Bible says something similar. Noah, his wife and sons with their wives survived. I don't remember any grandchildren but there probably were. Supposedly these were the only humans that survived. If true, then we, all people today, are decended from Noah, and through him from an unknown woman, Eve, who lived in the far distant past. Since the story of Noah happened in Africa or the Middle East who can say really?
Personally I think pre-historically man was everywhere, like today, but that the land was different, ie on large continent (Pangea), or different continents the cradle could have been anywhere.
There is a story or myth that Lhasa, the capital of Tibet and the home of the Dali Lhama for centuries, was one day a town on the beach, and overnight, due to this or another disaster, was a town high in the Himalayas. Could the Himalayas shoot up overnight? I don't know, I doubt it, but the story says they did. I know, off subject.
Is the destruction of humanity pending? It's starting to look that way but you have to admit it isn't the first time. But we have war in the middle east, natural disasters happening daily it seems, the most recent the earthquakes and tsunami in Japan, economies around the world going in the toilet. Most end days scenarios from Revelation on have all these and more. On top of that the Maya's calender say the end of the age or end of days, take your pick, come up Dec 2012. In eastern cultures, and others, the myths for lack of a better word tell us that there have been four ages, we are in the 4th, what the Greeks called the Iron Age, or the Hindu and Vedic called the Kali Yuga or Age of Kali. At the end of each of the first three ages humanity was destroyed, and the world was started over. As I said we're in the fourth now and less than a year from the end date of the Maya calender. It'll be interesting to see if something, anything, happens, or if it turns out to be another T2K, much ado about nothing at all.
Lee Murray
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Are Our "Leaders" Evil? Just Ignorant Murderers? Or Both?
First let me say, pertaining to the title, I'm not limiting myself to the great Obama, or George the Second, or any other American, per se. I mean all leaders of all nations throughout all of our, humanity's, known and probably unknown, history.
I wrote a comment on a friends blog and the last sentence I wrote started me thinking. I said: "If you people want to do something productive, why not stop worrying so much about the symbol that's on a memorial or grave of people killed in a war, and instead worry about how to stop the war and killing? More of us would thank you, I think..."
Stopping all wars, forever. A great though radical idea I admit. It'll probably never happen, because it seems to be the first resort of all "leaders" throughout history. Have a problem, declare war. It's all they know, kill, kill, kill. Unfortunately, the murderous leaders like Obama, both Bushes, and all the rest, go on and on. They murder millions of others, both soldiers and civilians, but they live and go on, serial murderers to the end, making Jack the Ripper and Ted Bundy seem like pikers.
Granted, our murderous leaders love for war, and other killing, is a reflection of that same love in humanity itself. With the exception that most people don't have the opportunity of indulging it to the same extreme. If I, or any other normal human ordered, or caused the death of one, let alone millions, it would result in being hauled up on murder charges, and possibly the death sentence, or life in prision, which is worse in my opinion. In the case of Obama, Bush, and thousands of others throughout history, they get away with it by saying it's necessary. Ordering other willing, and unwilling, accomplices to do the acual evil. But that doesn't absolve their own evil at all, if anything it makes it worse using their power to force others to become complicit in their own evil.
Do they try to resolve the problem by talking? Well there is diplomacy, for all the good it does, or has done. Usually the diplomats are more effective at ending the war, after many millions have been murdered in the name of someones national, "homeland," security.
I've said before, if our leaders insist on war, lets put the two leaders, presidents, kings, emporers, dictators, whatever, in a ring, or closed room, give each a sword, knife, or gun. Whoever walks out wins the war. I guarantee that if it was done this way, war would end, well maybe not, but it would result in no serious or important deaths.
Off the point, I've never understood the absolute reverence that most people have for a man that's elected for a four year term. Not a king, not an emporer, although many see themselves that way. I see them as really no different than the CEO of a large corporation, although few, if any, would have the ability to run even a mom and pop grocery store, let alone a large corporation.
They mostly seem to be trained liars. Lawyers and professional politicians or both, fitted, by training, experience, and natural ability or talent, for lying. Telling us what they think, or are told, we want to hear, not caring at all what really happens to anyone else, just themselves.
Some people say that war, like disease, and natural disaster, is just a means of population control. I'll grant you, it does seem to function as a method of population control. Would the world be even more overpopulated without war? Wouldn't nature have compensated for not having it? Science if we can believe them, is working on hundreds and thousands of cures for disease, they've even found one or two. But the biggest disease of them all, killing each other at the smallest, or even no, excuse is ignored.
This country has existed for more than two hundred years, in all that time, there has been almost never a time without war, of some kind. Acknowledged civilization has existed for around 6000 years or so, and in all that time there has never been a time without war of some kind or other. If you take it back through the mists of time thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of years to when humanity began, when we were maybe swinging in trees, living in caves, or whatever is our accepted beginning, humans were killing humans. Nothing has changed it seems except the ever larger numbers.
Lee Murray
I wrote a comment on a friends blog and the last sentence I wrote started me thinking. I said: "If you people want to do something productive, why not stop worrying so much about the symbol that's on a memorial or grave of people killed in a war, and instead worry about how to stop the war and killing? More of us would thank you, I think..."
Stopping all wars, forever. A great though radical idea I admit. It'll probably never happen, because it seems to be the first resort of all "leaders" throughout history. Have a problem, declare war. It's all they know, kill, kill, kill. Unfortunately, the murderous leaders like Obama, both Bushes, and all the rest, go on and on. They murder millions of others, both soldiers and civilians, but they live and go on, serial murderers to the end, making Jack the Ripper and Ted Bundy seem like pikers.
Granted, our murderous leaders love for war, and other killing, is a reflection of that same love in humanity itself. With the exception that most people don't have the opportunity of indulging it to the same extreme. If I, or any other normal human ordered, or caused the death of one, let alone millions, it would result in being hauled up on murder charges, and possibly the death sentence, or life in prision, which is worse in my opinion. In the case of Obama, Bush, and thousands of others throughout history, they get away with it by saying it's necessary. Ordering other willing, and unwilling, accomplices to do the acual evil. But that doesn't absolve their own evil at all, if anything it makes it worse using their power to force others to become complicit in their own evil.
Do they try to resolve the problem by talking? Well there is diplomacy, for all the good it does, or has done. Usually the diplomats are more effective at ending the war, after many millions have been murdered in the name of someones national, "homeland," security.
I've said before, if our leaders insist on war, lets put the two leaders, presidents, kings, emporers, dictators, whatever, in a ring, or closed room, give each a sword, knife, or gun. Whoever walks out wins the war. I guarantee that if it was done this way, war would end, well maybe not, but it would result in no serious or important deaths.
Off the point, I've never understood the absolute reverence that most people have for a man that's elected for a four year term. Not a king, not an emporer, although many see themselves that way. I see them as really no different than the CEO of a large corporation, although few, if any, would have the ability to run even a mom and pop grocery store, let alone a large corporation.
They mostly seem to be trained liars. Lawyers and professional politicians or both, fitted, by training, experience, and natural ability or talent, for lying. Telling us what they think, or are told, we want to hear, not caring at all what really happens to anyone else, just themselves.
Some people say that war, like disease, and natural disaster, is just a means of population control. I'll grant you, it does seem to function as a method of population control. Would the world be even more overpopulated without war? Wouldn't nature have compensated for not having it? Science if we can believe them, is working on hundreds and thousands of cures for disease, they've even found one or two. But the biggest disease of them all, killing each other at the smallest, or even no, excuse is ignored.
This country has existed for more than two hundred years, in all that time, there has been almost never a time without war, of some kind. Acknowledged civilization has existed for around 6000 years or so, and in all that time there has never been a time without war of some kind or other. If you take it back through the mists of time thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of years to when humanity began, when we were maybe swinging in trees, living in caves, or whatever is our accepted beginning, humans were killing humans. Nothing has changed it seems except the ever larger numbers.
Lee Murray
killing in the news,
murderous humanity,
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Are We Stupid or just Ignorant?
Just found this on the web and it pretty much goes right along with my most recent post. Of course the rioters aren't the only ones at fault, in my opinion the Church in Florida is equally if not more at fault. How would they feel if the Muslims had burned the Bible? It's not the book itself, it is just a book and there are more, it's the disrespecting of someone else's beliefs that's symbolized by the destruction of the book. Granted the people might have found a more effective way of saying it's wrong than tearing up their own country, but they aren't the only ones to vent their anger stupidly, in this country a section of Los Angeles called Watts has been torn up, burned down and looted by it's residents at least twice and its also happened in other cities. So much for American superiority. LINK TO ORIGINAL ARTICLE
Lee Murray
Anger over Quran burning spreads in Afghanistan
AP-Associated Press
ShareretweetEmailPrint AP – U.S. soldiers stand guard in front the gate of a U.S. base after an attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, on …
KABUL, Afghanistan – Anger over the burning of the Muslim holy book at a Florida church fueled a second day of deadly violence half a world away in Afghanistan, where demonstrators set cars and shops ablaze Saturday in a riot that killed nine protesters, officials said.
The church's desecration of the Quran nearly two weeks ago has outraged millions of Muslims and others worldwide, fueling anti-American sentiment that is further straining ties between the Afghan government and the West.
The uproar even brought violence to the normally peaceful northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif on Friday, when a crowd of protesters — apparently infiltrated by insurgents — stormed a U.N. compound in an outpouring that left four Afghan protesters and seven foreign U.N. employees dead.
The top U.N. envoy in Afghanistan, Staffan de Mistura, said the organization had no plans to evacuate. It would, however, temporarily redeploy 11 staff members from Maraz-i-Sharif to Kabul
"This is not an evacuation, it is a temporary redeployment because the office is not functioning. We will be ready to go back as soon as we can establish an office that is secure enough," he told reporters.
In an unrelated attack that nonetheless demonstrated the kind of violence plaguing Afghanistan nearly a decade after the U.S. invaded to oust the Taliban and hunt al-Qaida, two suicide attackers disguised as women in blue burqas blew themselves up and a third was gunned down at a NATO base on the outskirts of Kabul, police said.
The Quran was burned March 20, but many Afghans only found out about it when Afghan President Hamid Karzai condemned the desecration four days later. The burning took place at the Dove Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, the same church where the Rev. Terry Jones had threatened to destroy a copy of the holy book last year but initially backed down.
On Saturday, thousands of Afghans carrying long sticks and holding copies of the Quran over their heads marched through Kandahar, the largest city in southern Afghanistan and the cradle of the insurgency. The crackle of gunfire could be heard throughout the city, which was blanketed by thick black smoke.
Security forces shot in the air to disperse the crowd, said Zalmai Ayubi, a spokesman for the provincial governor. It's unclear how the protesters were slain, he said.
The governor's office in Kandahar province issued a statement saying that nine protesters were killed and 81 others were injured in the demonstration that turned into a riot. Seventeen people, including seven armed men, have been arrested, the statement said.
The governor's office claims demonstrators were incited by extremists who joined the group and set property ablaze.
"The enemies of the people and country also burned down the furniture and a bus at a ladies' high school in Kandahar and destroyed some other properties," the governor's office said.
Shops and restaurants throughout the city were shuttered and routes leading into the city were blocked by security forces.
An Associated Press photographer estimated the crowd at a few thousand and said demonstrators had smashed his camera and roughed up other journalists.
Karzai's office said the president spoke on the telephone Saturday morning with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Karzai asked the secretary-general to extend his condolences to the families of the U.N. workers slain Friday.
He also called on the U.N. to help promote religious tolerance throughout the world to ease friction between people of different faiths. Karzai said Afghan officials were investigating the U.N. attack and would bring the perpetrators to justice.
De Mistura said four Nepalese guards were killed protecting the U.N. staff and did not fire their guns.
The other three victims were identified by officials in their home countries as: Joakim Dungel, a 33-year-old Swede; Lt. Col. Siri Skare, a 53-year-old female pilot from Norway; and Filaret Motco, a 43-year-old Romanian who worked in the political section of the U.N.
The U.N. envoy said the Russian mission chief, who spoke Dari, was beaten but let go after he told the attackers he was Muslim.
According to de Mistura, a group of seven to 15 insurgents had infiltrated the protest, which numbered around 3,000 people, and said some have been arrested.
"I am profoundly sad and I am also shocked by what I saw, but we do continue our work, we are not going to be deterred," De Mistura said, describing the Quran burning as "an insane gesture."
In Florida, Wayne Sapp, a pastor at the church, called the events "tragic," but said he did not regret the actions of his church.
"I in no way feel like our church is responsible for what happened," Sapp said in a telephone interview on Friday. Afghan authorities suspect insurgents melded into the mob outside the U.N. compound and they announced the arrest of more than 20 people, including a militant they suspect was the ringleader of the assault. The suspect was an insurgent from Kapisa province, a hotbed of militancy about 250 miles (400 kilometers) southeast of the city, said Rawof Taj, deputy provincial police chief.
Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid sent a text message to The Associated Press on Saturday denying that the insurgency was responsible for killing the U.N. workers.
Demonstrators have alleged that the four protesters were killed by Afghan security forces.
Interior Ministry spokesman Zemeri Bashary said Saturday that a delegation of high-ranking Afghan officials was being sent to the city to investigate what happened.
Bashary also gave reporters details of Saturday's attack on NATO's Camp Phoenix, a base on the east side of Kabul that's used to train Afghan security forces.
He said three armed insurgents wearing suicide bomb vests arrived at a main gate at the base around 6:45 a.m. Two of the attackers opened fire and then detonated their vests of explosives, Bashary said. The third opened fire and was killed by NATO forces. The body of a fourth person, an Afghan man at the scene, has not been identified. Three NATO service members were injured, the coalition said.
The gate at the base was scorched from the explosions. An AP reporter at the scene saw the remains of at least one of the attackers dangling from the gate.
Associated Press writers Deb Riechmann in Kabul and Mirwais Khan in Kandahar contributed to this report
Lee Murray
Anger over Quran burning spreads in Afghanistan
AP-Associated Press
ShareretweetEmailPrint AP – U.S. soldiers stand guard in front the gate of a U.S. base after an attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, on …
KABUL, Afghanistan – Anger over the burning of the Muslim holy book at a Florida church fueled a second day of deadly violence half a world away in Afghanistan, where demonstrators set cars and shops ablaze Saturday in a riot that killed nine protesters, officials said.
The church's desecration of the Quran nearly two weeks ago has outraged millions of Muslims and others worldwide, fueling anti-American sentiment that is further straining ties between the Afghan government and the West.
The uproar even brought violence to the normally peaceful northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif on Friday, when a crowd of protesters — apparently infiltrated by insurgents — stormed a U.N. compound in an outpouring that left four Afghan protesters and seven foreign U.N. employees dead.
The top U.N. envoy in Afghanistan, Staffan de Mistura, said the organization had no plans to evacuate. It would, however, temporarily redeploy 11 staff members from Maraz-i-Sharif to Kabul
"This is not an evacuation, it is a temporary redeployment because the office is not functioning. We will be ready to go back as soon as we can establish an office that is secure enough," he told reporters.
In an unrelated attack that nonetheless demonstrated the kind of violence plaguing Afghanistan nearly a decade after the U.S. invaded to oust the Taliban and hunt al-Qaida, two suicide attackers disguised as women in blue burqas blew themselves up and a third was gunned down at a NATO base on the outskirts of Kabul, police said.
The Quran was burned March 20, but many Afghans only found out about it when Afghan President Hamid Karzai condemned the desecration four days later. The burning took place at the Dove Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, the same church where the Rev. Terry Jones had threatened to destroy a copy of the holy book last year but initially backed down.
On Saturday, thousands of Afghans carrying long sticks and holding copies of the Quran over their heads marched through Kandahar, the largest city in southern Afghanistan and the cradle of the insurgency. The crackle of gunfire could be heard throughout the city, which was blanketed by thick black smoke.
Security forces shot in the air to disperse the crowd, said Zalmai Ayubi, a spokesman for the provincial governor. It's unclear how the protesters were slain, he said.
The governor's office in Kandahar province issued a statement saying that nine protesters were killed and 81 others were injured in the demonstration that turned into a riot. Seventeen people, including seven armed men, have been arrested, the statement said.
The governor's office claims demonstrators were incited by extremists who joined the group and set property ablaze.
"The enemies of the people and country also burned down the furniture and a bus at a ladies' high school in Kandahar and destroyed some other properties," the governor's office said.
Shops and restaurants throughout the city were shuttered and routes leading into the city were blocked by security forces.
An Associated Press photographer estimated the crowd at a few thousand and said demonstrators had smashed his camera and roughed up other journalists.
Karzai's office said the president spoke on the telephone Saturday morning with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Karzai asked the secretary-general to extend his condolences to the families of the U.N. workers slain Friday.
He also called on the U.N. to help promote religious tolerance throughout the world to ease friction between people of different faiths. Karzai said Afghan officials were investigating the U.N. attack and would bring the perpetrators to justice.
De Mistura said four Nepalese guards were killed protecting the U.N. staff and did not fire their guns.
The other three victims were identified by officials in their home countries as: Joakim Dungel, a 33-year-old Swede; Lt. Col. Siri Skare, a 53-year-old female pilot from Norway; and Filaret Motco, a 43-year-old Romanian who worked in the political section of the U.N.
The U.N. envoy said the Russian mission chief, who spoke Dari, was beaten but let go after he told the attackers he was Muslim.
According to de Mistura, a group of seven to 15 insurgents had infiltrated the protest, which numbered around 3,000 people, and said some have been arrested.
"I am profoundly sad and I am also shocked by what I saw, but we do continue our work, we are not going to be deterred," De Mistura said, describing the Quran burning as "an insane gesture."
In Florida, Wayne Sapp, a pastor at the church, called the events "tragic," but said he did not regret the actions of his church.
"I in no way feel like our church is responsible for what happened," Sapp said in a telephone interview on Friday. Afghan authorities suspect insurgents melded into the mob outside the U.N. compound and they announced the arrest of more than 20 people, including a militant they suspect was the ringleader of the assault. The suspect was an insurgent from Kapisa province, a hotbed of militancy about 250 miles (400 kilometers) southeast of the city, said Rawof Taj, deputy provincial police chief.
Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid sent a text message to The Associated Press on Saturday denying that the insurgency was responsible for killing the U.N. workers.
Demonstrators have alleged that the four protesters were killed by Afghan security forces.
Interior Ministry spokesman Zemeri Bashary said Saturday that a delegation of high-ranking Afghan officials was being sent to the city to investigate what happened.
Bashary also gave reporters details of Saturday's attack on NATO's Camp Phoenix, a base on the east side of Kabul that's used to train Afghan security forces.
He said three armed insurgents wearing suicide bomb vests arrived at a main gate at the base around 6:45 a.m. Two of the attackers opened fire and then detonated their vests of explosives, Bashary said. The third opened fire and was killed by NATO forces. The body of a fourth person, an Afghan man at the scene, has not been identified. Three NATO service members were injured, the coalition said.
The gate at the base was scorched from the explosions. An AP reporter at the scene saw the remains of at least one of the attackers dangling from the gate.
Associated Press writers Deb Riechmann in Kabul and Mirwais Khan in Kandahar contributed to this report
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